PathBerserker2d  1.0
Platformer pathfinding solution
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PathBerserker2d.PathRequest Class Reference

Represents an async path request. More...

Public Types

enum  RequestState { Draft, Pending, Finished, Failed }
enum  RequestFailReason {
  CouldntMapStart, CouldntMapGoal, MappedStartChanged, AllMappedGoalsChanged,
  NoPathFromStartToGoal, WorldWasDestroyed, ToFarFromStart

Public Member Functions

 PathRequest (NavAgent client)

Public Attributes

NavSegmentPositionPointer start
 Start of the requested path More...
IList< NavSegmentPositionPointergoals
 Goals of the requested path. More...
NavAgent client
 NavAgent the calculated path should be usable by. More...
Vector2 closestReachablePosition
 If the request failed, this will contain the closest reachable position found to the goal. This does NOT work when multiple goals where specified. More...


RequestState Status [get]
 Status of the processing of the request. More...
RequestFailReason FailReason [get]
 If the request failed, it will set this field to the cause of failure. More...
Path Path [get]
 If the request succeeded, this is found path. More...

Detailed Description

Represents an async path request.

Member Data Documentation

◆ client

NavAgent PathBerserker2d.PathRequest.client

NavAgent the calculated path should be usable by.

◆ closestReachablePosition

Vector2 PathBerserker2d.PathRequest.closestReachablePosition

If the request failed, this will contain the closest reachable position found to the goal. This does NOT work when multiple goals where specified.

◆ goals

IList<NavSegmentPositionPointer> PathBerserker2d.PathRequest.goals

Goals of the requested path.

◆ start

NavSegmentPositionPointer PathBerserker2d.PathRequest.start

Start of the requested path

Property Documentation

◆ FailReason

RequestFailReason PathBerserker2d.PathRequest.FailReason

If the request failed, it will set this field to the cause of failure.

◆ Path

Path PathBerserker2d.PathRequest.Path

If the request succeeded, this is found path.

◆ Status

RequestState PathBerserker2d.PathRequest.Status

Status of the processing of the request.

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