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Platformer pathfinding solution
This documentation includes all the information you need to make your AI awesomely smart. I recommend checking out the example scenes shipped with this asset to get started. Most inspector variables have tool tips.
If you have the time, I absolutely recommend reading all pages listed at Pages.
Quick setup guide here Setup
I highly recommend reading the HTML version of this documentation shiped as a zip archive in the Documentation folder. Unity forces me to include a PDF version of this documentation, but it isn't as well formatted as the HTML version.
If you have any questions, bugs or feature requests that might be of interest for others, make a post on PathBerserker2d's official forum thread or DM me directly. https://forum.unity.com/threads/pathberserker2d-platformer-pathfinding-solution.930936/
You can also reach me via E-mail at pathb. erse rker2 d@ou tlook .com